Guardian Module Blueprints
Bulk Up Your Internals
I'll be honest -- I hate running Guardian sites. I've got a good handle on them, but the atmospherics are really well done and creep me out. I don't like surprise Sentinel spawns or negotiating weird terrain to reach the pylons or whatever.
The module blueprint site is a pain. You'll spawn at least ten Sentinels, with one spawn triggering four at once. On the upside, none of them have to happen while you're on the clock. Let's get it done!
Everybody Needs a Map
To gather Guardian Module Blueprints, we're going to Synuefe NL-N C23-4 planet B3. This site layout is what Canonn calls the "Turtle", and we're going to use these maps for reference.
On approach, orient the site with the machine at top ("north") center. There are two "legs" on the lower corners at 45 degree angles, so it should be easy to orient with the map as shown. Small ships can readily park in what I've labeled the LZ at lower right; a similar space exists at lower left. Medium ships may have to hunt around. As with all Guardian sites, having a Point Defense module or two atop your ship is good practice, and the LZ shown has coverage over the whole layout.
The first map shows only the pylon locations and is pictured from an angle to help identify overhangs. The second map is from overhead and additionally identifies the rough spawn location of all 12 Sentinels at the site. We'll use the numbers on this map to identify the path through the site.
Additional terms of relevance are the "Trigger" pylon (location 3, outlined in orange) and the "center structure" running from location 3 to 6. The Trigger pylon must be approached before any other pylons will rise, and the center structure is a raised artificial structure that divides the left and right sides of the site.
You'll need a Guardian Relic. There's one very near the LZ I find convenient.
Clear Some Sentinels
The nice thing about Guardian sites generally is that no Sentinels have to be killed while on the clock. To do this, we'll hit the two sentinels that proximity spawn (red 'A' triangle) in the legs. Drive toward the lower right corner (1) with 4 pips to Weapons and 2 to System. This Sentinel spawns on the flats around the pylon location. Burn it down.
Next head west to the lower left pylon (2). This Sentinel is a mirror image of the first. The two remaining proximity-spawned Sentinels are well off the path for pylons and can be ignored.
Now head to the base of the center structure and drive up towards the Trigger pylon (3). You'll probably want SRV thrusters for this, but approaching the Trigger will spawn two Sentinels (orange 'B' triangles) at once. Go with 3 Sys / 3 Eng if possible. Once you reach the Trigger, kick over to 4 pips Sys before getting in the turret and finding your target; you can put pips to Weapons once you're ready to shoot. Hopefully only one Sentinel had a sight line to you, letting you kill them one at a time.
Pylon Party
Four Sentinels down and there are no further proximity spawned Sentinels to worry about. Now we energize the pylons. Shoot the Trigger (3) to begin the timer.
Head off the center structure to either side to find the two nearby pylons (4, 5). They're very hard to spot before they rise, but they're tucked up close to the center structure. Listen for the noise of the pylon coming up and use the turret to spot it. Once you've found one, the other is directly opposite it on the other side of the center structure.
Next head to the low center pylon (6) and then down the lower right leg (7). I find it helps to then return to (6) to line up on the final pylon.
Drive to the lower left pylon (8) but don't energize it yet; completing the last pylon will spawn 4 Sentinels at once.
Sentinel Sniping
Completing the pylons will spawn four Sentinels (green 'C' triangles) in a rough square around the low center pylon (6); at least one of them is likely going to immediately engage you. When ready, energize the last pylon (8) and immediately put 4 pips to Sys. Spin the turret to find a target and switch back to 4 pips Weps once you've ridden out the initial salvo.
Hopefully the other three Sentinels have not yet engaged. Your goal is to creep around while in the turret until you can just spot one Sentinel and shoot it down without its AI realizing that you're in sight. Expect to get line of sight on the second Sentinel to your side of the center structure next, even if it's not the closest. Creep toward the general area of (9) until all four Sentinels are dead. At this point, if you don't yet have an Ancient Relic, pick one up.
Drive north to the Machine (10). When you scan the Machine, two Sentinels will spawn (yellow 'D' triangle), so let's prep for that. There are roughly four possible spawn points: two behind (south) of you in the Centerish area, and two north of you flanking the Machine, most probably one Sentinel in each area as shown on the map. Prioritize the Sentinel at the Machine, as it will engage you immediately; the more distant one might not. Eject the Relic, scan the Machine, and then kill the final two Sentinels.
Done! Gather materials if you like (my Guardian Components guide lays out the material spawns in better detail), then re-board your ship to re-log and reset the instance for another blueprint. If you're in a group with other CMDRs, you can reactivate the pylons without any additional Sentinel spawns to allow each CMDR to get a blueprint, but you'll all have to log out together to reset the instance after everyone has had a turn.